Naqoosh Maker Version 2.0.0
Released : 27/Oct/2014
Updated : 12/Dec/2014
Updated : 29/June/2016
License: FREEware
KazSoft Naqoosh Maker is a state of the art software to create Naqoosh/Taweez. It can take any Ayat/Text in Arabic, Persian or Urdu Language, calculate Adaad and create Naqsh. Bayoot can also be created using ready-made templates or you can create you own. Lots of features have been incorporated into this application.
Updates 29 Jun 2016:
- Software updated to version 2.0.0.
- Option to Display Numbers in Arabic or English Language in Naqsh.
- Design Naqsh Manually instead of generating.
- Edit Naqsh values manually or import from Library or Quran e Pak.
- Import Export of Naqoosh Raftar.
- Scale Naqsh at design time or Export time.
- Include Azeemat in Naqsh.
- Buttons added for increasing/ Decreasing Naqsh font size.
- Auto Scaling of Font to best fit Bayoot area.
- Improved Angle calculation for drawing text in Bayoot.
- Now Naqoosh of very small size can be exported without Bayoot or with Bayoot, including or excluding Azeemat.
- Simplified Naqsh export.
- Options to add borders abound Naqsh.
- Improved text quality of Bayoot.
- Many New entries in the library.
- Color Scheme changed from blue to Green.
- New improved auto scanner for non-Abjad letters.
Updates 12 Dec 2014:
- Software updated to version 1.1.0
- Display Numbers in Arabic Language instead of Urdu.
- Clear Values from Naqsh to Print an empty Naqsh and values may be written at any later stage.
- Reload Cleared Values from main form.
How to Activate
- Download, the attached license file.
- Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Name ( Or the location of the installed programs ).
- Copy license file to this directory.
- Please overwrite the already present license file in Installation directory.
- Please make sure that there is only ONE License File Present in each Directory.
- Click here to Watch Activation Video Tutorial [Coming Soon]
System Requirements
- Click here to see System Requirements.
Naqoosh Maker has following options:
- Calculate Jamal of Arabic/Urdu/Persian Asas using any of 28 Abajad of Jafar or with your own defined Abjad.
- Create Naqsh or Taweez based on any given Chaal or create your own Raftar/Chaal. Many Chaals and Raftars have been collected from Ramooz Al Jafar of Mr.Kash Al-Barni and Haroof e Sawamat of Mr.Manzoor Ali Samoo. Errors in these Raftars have been corrected .
- Following Chaals are in Built which will be increased in future:
- مثلث آبی – علی سموں
- مثلث آبی – کاش البرنی
- مثلث آبی معکوس – علی سموں
- مثلث آتشی – علی سموں
- مثلث آتشی – کاش البرنی
- مثلث آتشی معکوس – علی سموں
- مثلث بادی – علی سموں
- مثلث بادی – کاش البرنی
- مثلث بادی معکوس – علی سموں
- مثلث خاکی – علی سموں
- مثلث خاکی – کاش البرنی
- مثلث خاکی معکوس – علی سموں
- مربع آبی – علی سموں
- مربع آبی – کاش البرنی
- مربع آتشی – علی سموں
- مربع آتشی – کاش البرنی
- مربع بادی – علی سموں
- مربع بادی – کاش البرنی
- مربع خاکی – علی سموں
- مربع خاکی – کاش البرنی
- مخمس – کاش البرنی
- مخمس آبی – علی سموں
- مخمس آتشی – علی سموں
- مخمس بادی – علی سموں
- مخمس خاکی – علی سموں
- مسدس – کاش البرنی
- مسبع آبی – علی سموں
- مسبع آتشی – علی سموں
- مسبع اصم – کاش البرنی
- مسبع بادی – علی سموں
- مسبع خاکی – علی سموں
- مسبع طبعی – کاش البرنی
- مثمن – کاش البرنی
- متع – کاش البرنی
- متع آبی – علی سموں
- متع آتشی – علی سموں
- متع بادی – علی سموں
- متع خاکی – علی سموں
- معشر – کاش البرنی
- احد عشر آتشی – علی سموں
- احد عشر خاکی – علی سموں
- یازدھ طبعی – کاش البرنی
- دوازدھ فرد جلالی – کاش البرنی
- Design and Save Bayoot as Templates.
- Automatic Rotation of Corner Bayoot.
- Fill Bayoot with items from Library.
- Library Integration for creating Asas.
- Quran Explorer Plugin.
- Haroof Analysis Plugin.
- Misc Astrological Info Plugin.
- Create Your own Raftar with Naqsh Manager.
- Create Your Own Abjad with Abjad Manager, More than 50 Abjads already included.
- Clean Non Abjad letters from an Urdu/Persian/Arabic Statement of Asas.
- Insert/Remove spaces between haroof.
- Restrict language typing to specific Haroof-Set
- Save Naqsh Output as HTML in table format.
- Save Naqsh Without Bayoot as Image
- Save Naqsh with Bayoot As Image.
- Following Image Formats are Supported:
- Options to modify all aspects of the generated Naqsh and Bayoot, including the following:
- Font Size, Style and Color.
- Background Color.
- Size of Rows and Columns
- Toggle Borders visibility of Bayoot Table.
- Options to navigate between Naqsh Cells based on Raftar.
- Search Naqsh Cells.
- Mark Khana Awal, Kasar and Last automatically.
- Automatically Calculate Kasar, Adad e Tabai and Adaad e Taqseem for a given Raftar/Chaal.
- Automatically Create Maratab of Naqsh.
- Create Projects for future use.
- And Much More …..