Jafar Mustehsila Workbench Version 1.0.0
Released: 5/Apr/2014.
Updated 28/Apr/2014.
Updated 7/May/2014.
Jafar Mustehsila Workbench is a state of the art tool that can be used to run/solve Ilm e Jafar Mustehsilas. Mustehsila is a procedure in Ilm e Jafar to extract unknown phrases ( Answers ) from the known letters ( Questions). This tool provides a single interface for many Mustehsilas of very basic to very advanced type. The Mustehsilas / Qaidas have been taken from many different books of Jafar. By Using this tool a user can calculate answers in a matter of minutes. The job of hours can be completed in seconds.
Latest Updates (7/7/2014):
- More colors added for marking answers.
- Now the report contains name of Mustehsila.
- Link to details of Mustehsila is inserted in exported report.
- One New Mustehsila from Aftab e Jafar called “Mustehsila Shakba 2” has been added.
- Mustehsila Qurani Corrected and Updated.
- Mustehsila Al Tarah Al Anasir Al Sawal corrected and updated.
Screen Shots:
Jafar Mustehsila Workbench has following options:
- Calculate Mustehsilas.
- Replace Non Abjad Haroof with equivalent Abjad Haroof.
- Ability to manage ( Add, Edit) equivalent haroof.
- Perform all steps of Mustehsila
- Mark Answers with colors and make words.
- Export the Answer along with all steps as a complete report in HTML format.
- Includes Asas of Question, date and time in the report.
- Restrict language typing to specific Haroof-Set
- Supports Questions/Asas of up to 3000 letters (Depends upon the processing capability of your system).
- Find translations of words with a click of a button using Google Translate.
- and much much more
Available Jafar Mustehsilas (Plugins):
Following Mustehsilas are available at the moment, this list will grow with the passage of time, if you require custom made or your own Mustehsilas, they can also be created on request. Mustehsilas are provided as plugins, which can be installed and uninstalled. You can purchase Mustehsilas of your choice. FREE Mustehsilas are also included in the software.
Video Tutorials
Tutorial 1
KazSoft Mustehsila Workbench tutorial1 by hykaz
Tutorial 2
KazSoft Mustehsila Workbench tutorial 2 by hykaz
Payment Options:
Jafar Mustehsila Workbench is FREE, please visit each Mustehsila page for information about purchasing Mustehsilas.