Your and name are the most important factors of life that govern your each and every aspect or your life, personality, destiny and even your death.

When we say destiny, it’s not your luck or Qismat or Fate. Luck or Fate or Destiny in literal sense can’t be judged or predicted in any way, it’s what you are destined by God and only He [SWT] Knows about it and His [SWT] Servants or Messengers [PBUT & TF] Whom He Wills know about it

Your date of birth and name plays a major role in making your personality and your decisions and attitude. We know that sound is a form of energy and it is obvious that your name will be pronounced again and again in life, so there will be a definite effect of this energy on your body, mind and soul. Moreover letters of any name or words can be converted to numbers so we can say that numbers affect everything. Date of birth is also in the form of numbers, your address, telephone , roll number, ticket number, ID card number, Social Security Number… and so many numbers everywhere … all these numbers have effect on our lives one way or the other.

Choosing the right name, address, city, telephone numbers in life ensures that you prosper instead of being humbled by the effect of negative energies around you.

and guide us in this regards, these are statistical studies and analysis of time and names and events based on numerous data and spanning hundreds of years.
Many different factors contribute towards the correctness of your name in accordance with Numerology of Astrology.

Some of these factors are mentioned below:

• First letter of your name should be in accordance with Ascendant or sun/moon sign.
• The number of first letter should not oppose Ascendant or sun/moon sign number.
• The element (Fire, Air, Water and Soil) of First letter should be in harmony with Ascendant or sun/moon sign.
• The element of letter of the name should be in harmony with the planetary hour of the birth.
• The total of name number should be equivalent to the sum of date + Month + year of birth.
• The elements of all letters of the name should be in harmony with the Element.
• The elements of all letters of the name should be in harmony with the planetary hour of the birth.
• The Name number should increase upwards like 157 instead of 571 which will have negative effect in the middle and last quarters of life.
• If the lucky numbers of the subject are not 4/8 then avoid repetition of 4/8 letters in the name as the years corresponding to these letters will be harmful.
• For Muslims No name should start directly with The Name(s) of [SWT] for example you can’t have a name Rahman or Allah, it should be Ata Ur Rahman or Abdullah etc. The inclusion of any Name of Allah [SWT] will certainly have very positive effects.
• For Muslims Inclusion of The Most Holy Names like [PBUH&HF] , Ali [A.S], Fatima[S.A] Hasan[A.S], Hussain[A.S], Abbass[A.S] and The Names of Prophets [A.S], Masomeen [A.S], Sahaba [R.A] and Aulia[R.A] will have a very positive impact.
• Avoid names that pertain to negative/cruel persons in , like yazeed.

To summarize the above we can say that following factors are to be considered:

• First Letter: Number, Element and
• All letters: sum, Elements and alphabets
• Sum of Name

Mostly it’s impossible to normalize/harmonize a name completely; a good consultant will make his best efforts to choose the best possible name with minimum side effects.

Calculating a name is a very professional task and should be avoided at home till the time one is properly educated in Numerology, Astrology or .

Consider changing your name or your business name of your signatures or your business telephone number or your city/country or address IF

  • You are facing problems in life and you think that they arise from nowhere.
  • You have disease(s) without any reason and with no medical explanation.
  • There is no reason/cause and your marriage gets delayed.
  • People /masses become your enemy regardless of your attitude or humbleness or nature.
  • Your business is not flourishing despite your best efforts
  • • And More…….

Facing Problems ….. You might have chosen a bad name for your business or you might be living on an address that never suits you…