As discussed in my previous articles, any number associated with you will have a definite effect on your life, this includes your Telephone and Cell number also.
Is my Mobile Number Lucky for Me? This article gives Step by Step instructions to find if your Mobile number is lucky for you or not and how to select a lucky mobile number using Numerology.
Things to remember
- All those numbers which are ascending, lower number to higher will bring graceful progression in life, like 0345-3378699, or 0333-2335567
- Any number that contains Zeros may be very lucky or very unlucky. Like 0300-2300780 or Golden numbers with Triple or Tetra Zeros, Like 000, 0000.
- Any number that contains 4s and 8s will usually bring hardships and problems, restrictions, frictions and accidents.
- Any Number that starts and ends at the same number will have almost no progress in life or will see regression after progression; the owner of the number will start and end on the same position in life. Like 0300-5679775
- Cell Numbers with more 5s and 2s will bring instability in life, if both 5 and 2 come together repeatedly in a number it will degrade the relations between a husband and wife.
- If 58 or 85 or 28 or 82 compound number is present or repeated in any cell number the owner of the number will have mental problems like depression, it will also attract demonic possession.
- No 6 is generally lucky for many except for those with 3 as date of birth or 3 as destiny number, but its repetition in any cell number will make the owner more imaginative, romantic and the owner may also get involved in sinful activities.
- If a number starts with 16, the owner of the number may have to get or give divorce or he/she may develop bad relations with his/her husband/wife.
- Persons with date of birth 8, 17, 26 or with destiny number as 8 should not use any number that starts with 8 or ends with 8 or has 8 in between.
- Persons with date of birth 4,13,22,31should try to avoid 4 and 8
Calculating your lucky Cell number
- Your Cell number should start with your date of birth. Like if your date of birth is 12, the cell number should start with 1+2 = 3 or it should start with your lucky number as given in the table at the end of this article.
- Find your destiny or fate number by adding your date+month+year of birth
- Find destiny number of your cell number by adding all the numbers, and getting a single number out of it (see example below) the destiny number of cell should be equal to the lucky number of the destiny number of the date of birth.
- See the table below to find if the addition is lucky for you or not
Date of birth = 11-Feb-1974 : 1+1+2+1+9+7+4 = 25 : 2+5 = 7
Cell Number =0345-5937275 : 0 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 3 +7 + 2+ 7+ 5 = 50/5
Result: The above number starts with 5 where as it should start with 2, moreover the destiny number of cell phone number 0345-5937275 is 5 where as it should be 1 or 2 which clearly means that this number is not lucky for 11-2-1974 date of birth.
Lucky Number Table

If you need Help in selecting a Lucky Cell Number Please Contact Us