Ilm e Jafar FREEWARE Software
All Iml e Jafar software released till May 2022 will soon become FREE. Keep visiting to download the most advanced cutting edge Occult software available in Urdu language. InshALLAH…
Occult Software Development
All Iml e Jafar software released till May 2022 will soon become FREE. Keep visiting to download the most advanced cutting edge Occult software available in Urdu language. InshALLAH…
ASMA UL HUSNA –Abjad Values which have been sorted ascending, are given below. These values are very important and can be used in calculating ISM e AZAM, making Naqoosh, calculating…
ISM e AZAM Calculator has been updated to version 1.0.1 and is now a FREEWARE, a Gift for you on Happy Occasion of Eid e Ghadeer and Shab e Rukhsati…