There are various ways in which and technology have been used in the study and practice of sciences. Here are a few examples:

  1. Electronic devices have been used to communicate with spirits or other entities. Some people believe that spirits can communicate through electronic devices, such as radios or computers, and use these devices to attempt to communicate with the spirit world.

  2. Electronic devices have been used to detect and measure activity. Some people believe that ghosts or other supernatural entities can manifest themselves in ways that can be detected by electronic equipment, such as through changes in electromagnetic fields.

  3. Electronics have been used to create and manipulate energy fields. Some practitioners of occult sciences believe that certain electronic devices, such as orgone generators, can be used to create or manipulate energy fields that can influence or paranormal activity.

  4. Electronics have been used to create and share information about occult practices. The internet and other electronic media have made it possible for people to share and access information about occult practices and theories.

Electronic Devices Used in the Occult Sciences:

  1. Radios: Some people believe that spirits can communicate through the static or white noise of a radio, and use radios as a means of communication with the spirit world.

  2. Computers: Some people believe that spirits can communicate through the ‘s hardware or , and use computers to attempt to communicate with the spirit world.

  3. EMF meters: These devices measure electromagnetic fields and are often used to detect the presence of ghosts or other supernatural entities.

  4. Infrared cameras: Some people believe that ghosts or other entities can manifest themselves through changes in temperature, and use infrared cameras to try to capture images of these entities.

  5. Orgone generators: These devices are believed by some to be able to create or manipulate energy fields that can influence spiritual or paranormal activity.

  6. Crystal radios: These devices use crystals as a means of detecting and amplifying radio signals, and have been used by some people in an attempt to communicate with the spirit world.

  7. Spirit boxes: These devices are designed specifically for the purpose of communicating with spirits, and use a variety of techniques, such as sweeping through radio frequencies or playing back recorded audio, to try to elicit responses from the spirit world.