[ SWT ] says in Quran e Hakeem “ We have counted all things in Numbers”

In the last article we learnt to calculate the numbers of any name with or Arabic ( Ilm Ul Adaad). Let’s see the significance of 66

  • Numbers  of Allah: Alif: 1 + Lam:30 + Lam: 30 + Hay: 5 = 66
  • Verses in Quran : 6666 again 6+6+6+6 = 24 : 2+ 4 = 6
  • Chapters in Quran : 114: 1+1+4 = 6
  • Sixty six persons of the of Jacob came in Egypt. (Bible, Gn 46,26)
  • The purification of a woman giving birth to a girl lasted 66 days. (Bible,  Lv 12,5)
  • The Bible of Ostervald contains 66 books.
  • The number 66 is used twice in the Bible. Again 66 * 2 = 132 = 1+3+2 = 6
  • Six numbers in the Bible are multiple of 66, and the sum of their occurrence gives 11. And, 6 x 11 = 66.
  • The sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Bible is a multiple of 11 and written in their cardinal form gives 66.
  • The Cross of Prophet David [A.S] has 6 corners/sides.
The above discussion clearly proves that Numerology plays an important role in the universe, even in The Holy Religions and The Holy books; Quran, Bible and Torah are revealed to Prophets [ PBUT & TF ] from The Same God and our Creator and Master is One God Whose Signatures are 66.

Now lets expand the concept to The Names of Holy Prophets [PBUT&TF]:

  • Prophet [PBUH&HF] = 92 : 92 * 66 = 6072 = 6+0+7+2 =15 : 1+ 5 = 6
  • Prophet Isha (Jesus) [PBUH&HF] = 14 : 14 * 66 = 924= 9+2 + 4 =15: 1+5 = 6
  • Prophet Musa (Moses) [PBUH&HF] = 116 : 116 * 66 =726 : 7+2+6 = 15 : 1+5 = 6
  • Prophet David (Dawood) [PBUH&HF] = 15 : 1+5 = 6