Astrological Horoscope Houses
In astrology, the horoscope houses are a system of dividing the sky into 12 sections, each corresponding to a particular area of life. The horoscope houses are used to analyze…
Occult Software Development
In astrology, the horoscope houses are a system of dividing the sky into 12 sections, each corresponding to a particular area of life. The horoscope houses are used to analyze…
In astrology, each planet is believed to have a specific influence or energy that can affect the characteristics and tendencies of an individual. Here is a brief overview of the…
In astrology, each planet is associated with a specific color. These colors are believed to represent the energy and influence of the planet, and can be used to gain insight…
786 Following Eclipses will happen in 2016. All amaal related to Haroof e Sawamat and its Zakaat etc. can be performed on the given timings. Please confirm and correct the…
In practical life we find a very few persons who really are self-made, means their fathers and forefathers were humble people but due to their luck or hard-work they succeeded…
Naqsh e Hasool Doulat, can make you rich. Just fill in the details in the excel file o generate Naqsh/Taweez. Please download FREE file below to create Naqsh, Download Naqsh…
In-depth discussion on Important factors to be considered when selecting or changing a name in accordance with Numerology and Astrology