Takseer e Jafar Help

Version 1.2.0

Takseer e Jafar Software Screen ShotTakseer e Jafar, is a tool that provides easy to use options for creating different types of Takseer. Takseer is a process of used in both Akhbar and Asaar. Weather you are creating a Taweez doing a Takhseer or trying to conclude from a Musthesila e Jafar, this tool will help. Now you can do calculations of hours or days in . Beside doing Takseer it can also be used to calculate sum ( ) of the ( / Statement ) or of complete Takseer.

Screen Shots:

Takseer e Jafar has following options:

  • Perform following types of Takseer.
    • Sadar e Mokhar.
    • Mokhar e Sadar.
    • .. More will be added in future releases.
  • Calculate Jamal of Takseer and Asas using any of 28 Abjads of Jafar or with your own defined .
  • Create New Abajad.
  • Clean Non Abjad letters from an Urdu/Persian/Arabic Statement of Asas.
  • Perform Takhlees of given Asas/Statement.
  • Supports Takseer of upto 3000 letters.
  • Save Takseer Output as HTML.
  • Options to modify all aspects of the generated Takseer, including the following:
    • Font Size, Style and Color.
    • Background Color.
    • Change Title and Footer of HTML Output.
    • Toggle visibility of numbering of Takseer rows and columns
    • Change Border Size of Takseer Table.
    • Change Cell Padding/Spacing of Takseer Table Cells.
    • Include current date and time in Takseer.


    The Cost of Takseer e Jafar is 50 USD or Pak Rs.5000 only.


System Requirements:

User Manual

 Tutorial :