Cancer and : , Numerology, Ilm e Adaad, , and all these sciences are for the betterment of humanity. One of the best uses of these sciences is finding a disease and prescribing cure for it, many books in this regard have also been written. I have yet to see a book or good article that analyzes Cancer with Numerology.

Your name and indicates the diseases you may be vulnerable or susceptible to. In this article I will be discussing about Cancer, Mesothelioma and related diseases using Numerology, Abjad or Ilm e Jafar.

The names of these diseases are different in different languages, I have observed that the best analysis can be performed using the name of disease  in so we will be using Abjad e Qamri for Arabic, Persian and . The English names will be translated to Arabic or Persian and then numbers will be calculated.

Below are the numbers ( e Qamri or Sum) related to some of Cancer types.

• کینسر : 340 , 7 , Cancer
• سرطان : 320 , 5 , Cancer
• ورم الظهارة المتوسطة : 1929 / 201 , 21 , 3 , Mesothelioma
• مزوتلیوما : 540, 54, 9 , Mesothelioma
• لیوکیمیا : 127 / 19 , 10 , 1 , Leukemia
• سرطان خون : 976 / 103 , 13 , 4 ,
• خون کینسر : 996 / 105 , 15 , 6 , Blood Cancer
• اپینڈکس کینسر : 487, 55 , 10 , 1 ,
• سرطان ضمیمه : 1215 , 126 , 18 ,9 , Appendix Cancer
• سرطان المثانة : 947 , 101 , 11 ,2 , bladder cancer
• سرطان الثدي : 865 , 91 , 10 , 1 , Breast Cancer

There are many more types of Cancers but to keep it short and deliver you the basic concept I restrict myself to these ones.
Just go through the numbers for Cancer above and you will instantly notice something.. the repetition of 10, 01 and 0 pattern. If anyone finds the same pattern or similar looking pattern of numbers in his or her date of birth or in name, there is a big chance that one is suffering from cancer and needs to go to doctor before it gets too late.