If you have the symptoms of possession, it really dosent means that you actually are under a paranormal influence because these symptoms and those of any physiological disorder are the same but there are ways and means to distinguish a genuine possession case from a mental disorders case.
Your house is possessed/Haunted IF:
All or more than one family members are experiencing the same Phenomenon.
- Temperature of a certain spot or room in the house/building goes up/down without any reason.
- Strange smell if felt, Noises heard by multiple family members/people.
- Pets make noises or start behaving abnormally and other symptoms are also there.
You are Surely Possessed IF:
- Pain in one body part shifts to another part, when you hold/touch the aching area or pinch your fingers in air very close to that area.
- If you bring a vaccum Cleaner near the aching body part and the pain vanishes for a few moments.
- If you spray your saliva towards the suspected direction of attack and the pain goes away or your mind is fresh again for sometime.
- If you recite Verses from Quran or Bible and start feeling pain any part of body…
- Temperature of your left shoulder and right shoulder are different, and/or there is a gross variation in temperature of head, shoulders, heart and feet… and others symptoms like headache/ pain in shoulders, heavy breath etc are also there.
- If both your thumbs of hands get stiff, eyes go up or are abnormally open, and others symptoms like temperature variation is there.
More can be written on this but these are enough to judge if a possession/paranormal influence is present.